Anlässlich der Jubiläumsfeier zu 75 Jahre Föhrenwald erreichte uns eine Gratulation der Zeitzeugen aus Israel, die wegen der Pandemie nicht am Festakt teilnehmen können.
Dear fellow Föhrenwalders,
I hope this message finds you and all yours strong and well at this chaotic and difficult time.
[…] Against the backdrop of the world pandemic and present second wave and lockdown in Israel, it is a shame that such an important series of events will be taking place without our presence. Alas, this is the unfortunate situation.
In the name of all Föhrenwalders in Israel, permit me to express our best wishes, blessings, and deep gratitude to the Badehaus management led by Dr. Sybille Krafft, and all members of the Badehaus Association, for initiating and carefully organizing such an exceptional commemorative event of historic importance and for carrying out this project at such a difficult and challenging time. We wish them all and their families happiness, good health and success.
For our part, we will continue to work toward close cooperation with the Badehaus Museum and toward expanding our shared activities in honoring and preserving the memory of our dear parents and family members who passed through the Föhrenwald DP Camp and the vibrant activities carried out there after the war. […]
Yours sincerely, Shai Lachman
On Behalf of the Föhrenwalders group and their descendants in Israel.
Foto: Shai Lachmann, Vorsitzender der Föhrenwald-Gruppe in Israel