Make a contribution to the future
The BADEHAUS Place of Remembrance tells the story of people finding hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Help us to preserve these memories and stories - because only those who know history can be inspired and motivated to shape a future worth living in. Become part of a project with great social significance. In the BADEHAUS Place of Remembrance we make history come alive.
Support us with your skills
According to your strengths and passions, you will find a suitable task at the BADEHAUS with which you can make your contribution to the future. From the implementation of our marketing campaigns to the maintenance of our greenspace, from bookkeeping to catering at events, from cash desk service while the museum is in operation to researching in archives, from translating and interpreting to inventorying exhibits - the possibilities of your engagement are numerous.
Becoming a member

First association member:
Dr. h.c. Max Mannheimer †
We are constantly growing. Without our members, who form the basis of our project, the realization of our major citizen initiative would not have been possible. We need you for the future! Support us now with your membership.
We need your help to maintain the BADEHAUS and monument and memorial site for future generations. Every contribution is valuable and highly welcome and obviously confirmed by a tax-deductible donation receipt.
Account number for donations
Sparkasse Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen
IBAN: DE44 7005 4306 0011 2786 60
If you are not a member, please specify your address.
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