Permanent Exhibition
This small place has written major history in a short time: from 1940 as a Nazi settlement for German armament workers, from 1945 as a place of rescue for survivors of the concentration camp DEATH MARCH and as a refuge for Jewish DISPLACED PERSONS, and from 1956 as a new home for Catholic GERMAN EXPELLEES. In Waldram, formerly Föhrenwald, history can be experienced as if in time-lapse. Traces of this unique migration history can still be found here today. The BADEHAUS Place of Remembrance tells of this local history of international importance in its permanent multimedia exhibition on more than 900 square meters and 3 floors, which opened at the end of 2018.
Under the TREES OF REMEMBRANCE, contemporary witnesses from all time periods tell of...
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...their experiences before, in and after their time in Föhrenwald and Waldram.
A film about the Jewish ritual bath, the MIKWE, locates religious life where it took place: in the BADEHAUS, the synagogue or in daily life.
The multi-award winning audio piece FÖHRENWALD by Michaela Melián tells the story of the location as a multimedia installation. Her drawings, floating in the dark room, blend into each other with music, texts as well as quotations, imagining a walk through the settlement.
In the outdoor area, the photo documentation KINDERWELTEN (Children's Worlds) compares the lives of children among the Jewish Displaced Persons and among the Catholic German Expellees. This part of the exhibition is open to the public.
Concept: Dr. Sybille Krafft (director), Eva Greif, Maria Mannes, Emanuel Rüff, Annekatrin Schulz with the collaboration of Jonathan Coenen, Sebastian d'Huc, Simone Steuer, Andreas Wagner
Design: Büro-Müller Rieger, Munich
UPDATE: On the 10th anniversary of our association in 2022, we opened several additions to the permanent exhibition: in addition to thematic additions in the form of objects and maps, the new TIMELINE is a special highlight. Across all three floors, it places regional history in the German and international context.

Resistance through their eyes
Traveling exhibition about resistance actions of young people in Europe during World War II
October 13, 2024 to March 2, 2025
The exhibition tells of the resistance actions and fates of young people during the Second World War who fought against war, injustice, totalitarianism, hatred, racism and anti-Semitism in Germany, Holland, Italy and Poland. It illustrates the complexity of resistance throughout Europe and shows the possibilities of resistance under the conditions of dictatorship, occupation and local collaboration with National Socialist and Soviet occupiers.
More information coming soon.
Past exhibitions
15 Jul, 23Past
We lived in an oasis of peace
An exhibition of artistic portraits of men and women who resisted the Nazi regime The "Gallery of the Upright", a project of the Studentenwerk Weiße…
15 Jul, 23PastGallery of the Upright
An exhibition of artistic portraits of men and women who resisted the Nazi regime The "Gallery of the Upright", a project of the Studentenwerk Weiße…
06 Nov, 22PastMay contain traces of home
An exhibition about food and drink, identity and integration of the Germans from Eastern Europe Years of hunger and abundance, family recipes, the reestablishment of…
17 Jul, 22PastWhite Rose
The Resistance of Students against Hitler, Munich 1942/43 The White Rose is a circle of friends around the students Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl and Alexander…
18 Okt, 20PastLebensBilder (Portraits of life)
with pictures by Justine Bittner At the end of the war the “surviving remnants” gathered in Föhrenwald. The survivors of the Shoah were hoping to…
01 Dez, 19PastFrom all the way down. The last things.
The 4th special exhibition staged by the memorial site BADEHAUS showcases pictures by the Italian photographer Mattia Balsamini. It documents objects from refugees, who drowned…
21 Jul, 19PastObjects taken along from home
The BADEHAUS staged this exhibition in cooperation with the "Haus des Deutschen Ostens" (House of the German East) to address the flight, expulsion and deportation…
07 Apr, 19PastWater
Waterways are nature's lifeblood. Rivers and floodplains are among Europe's most biodiverse natural environments. However, just eight percent of all the rivers and lakes in…
12 Nov, 18PastJewish architects of modernity and their legacy in the world
In 2019 the Bauhaus marked its 100. anniversary. Ahead of this jubilee and as part of the nation-wide festivities, the BADEHAUS exhibited pictures of Jewish…
11 Nov, 12PastThe Children of Camp Föhrenwald
After the Second World War, one of the largest and longest-running camps for Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) in Germany was established in the Wolfratshausen Forest.…
Every recollection counts
Shoshana Bellen was born in Waldram (then still called Föhrenwald) to parents who had survived the Shoa. Channa Braun came as a 13-year old to Föhrenwald and looks back at very enjoyable years of her youth there. Alois Brustmann recalls their expulsion from Bohemia and the Sudetenland and subsequent arrival in the Isar valley. Different experiences and memories widen the view on the past. Do you also have a connection to the former Föhrenwald or today's Waldram? Tell us your story and support us with objects from bygone times.
Ich bin so dankbar, dass es so tolle und engagierte Menschen im Verein Bürger fürs Badehaus gibt. Sie zeigen wie Erinnerungskultur geht und stärken damit unsere Demokratie. Ich komme gerne wieder!
Katharina S. 02/2024 -
Alois B. 02/2023
Der Besuch im Badehaus war eine unglaublich beeindruckende Erfahrung. Besser und kreativer kann man Erinnerungsarbeit und Geschichtsbewusstsein nicht vermitteln, lebendiger auch nicht. (…) – in diesen Zeiten des Rechtsrucks in der Gesellschaft ist dies wichtiger denn je!
Manfred H. 12/2023 -
Astrid P. 06/2023
Ich bin tief beeindruckt – von der Vielfalt der (schmerzlichen und schönen) Erfahrungen, die an diesem Ort versammelt sind – von der Vielfalt der gewählten Vergegenwärtigungen dieser Erfahrung – und von der Großzügigkeit bürgerschaftlichen Engagements, das es uns möglich macht, die Erfahrungen nachzuvollziehen!
Ute F. 05/2021 -
Thank you for everything that you all are doing. “NEVER AGAIN”
Jack A. 01/2021
I wish you all the very best, from a former Fohrenwald resident.
Kolpingplatz 1
82515 Wolfratshausen
GermanyOpening hours
Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday 1 pm – 5 pmExtended opening hours for registered tours:
Tuesday - Sunday 9 am - 5 pmMonday closed
Adults: 6 €
Reduced: 3 €Getting here:
By car
Motorway A95: Munich-Garmisch, exit Wolfratshausen
Motorway A8: Munich-Salzburg, exit Sauerlach
Federal road B11: Munich-Wolfratshausen-Mittenwald-InnsbruckBy plane
Munich airport, from there by S-Bahn or car approx. one hourBy train/bus
Munich public transport (MVV): S7 direction Wolfratshausen (every 20 minutes from Munich Central Station), continue from Wolfratshausen train station with bus 370, 374, 376, 379 or X970 to Waldram, then walk about 350 m to the BADEHAUS memorial.