Traveling Exhibition Sh'erit Ha-Pletah

Shortly after the Second World War, Föhrenwald becaume one of the largest and the longest-running camp for Jewish displaced persons (DPs) in Europe. Jews who had lost their homes during the Shoah waited here for their departure to Israel or hoped to start a new life in another country. They described themselves as "She'erit Hapletah", in English "The Surviving Remnant".


The Föhrenwald DP camp was the last "shtetl" in Europe. After the end of the war...

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... the Jewish DPs built up an autonomous community with a multi-layered infrastructure under UN-administration. The American-Jewish aid organisation JOINT built kindergartens, schools, sports, and training facilities. There was a cinema, a theatre, a hospital, and even its own camp newspaper. Over the course of twelve years thousands of people lived in this enclave of Jewish life, largely sheltered from the outside world. The last DPs had to leave the camp in February 1957.


The exhibition details the many different facets of life in the DP camp.


Please find more details below.


Design: Büro-Müller Rieger, München

Delivery Details


15 aluminium frames with backlighting and printed textile
15 transport bags for the aluminium frames and textiles
15 power supply
15 device plug EU

1 historic pram with a media station
with built-in screen with headphones,
showing video collages from interviews with contemporary witnesses

Aluminum Frames

85 cm x 7,5 cm x 200 cm each
backlighting via LED-modules with 64 LEDs each
printed textile

Transort bags

L x W x H: 105 cm x 20 cm x 14 cm
8kg each
contain an aluminium frame, a power supply, and a device plug each

Power supply

CE / UL certificate
Output: 24 V, 2,5 A, 60 W Max.
Input: 100 V – 250 VAC, 50 /60 Hz, 1.4 A

in 1 aluminum box

transport for the pram on wheels
outside measurements: L x W x H: 120 cm x 70 cm x 100 cm
weight: ca. 85 kg

Funded by:

Loan conditions

Timeframe: individual arrangements
Loan fee: 1.000€ (discounted 500€ for schools)


The organiser carries the costs for the transport
of the exhibition in both directions,
i.e. from the BADEHAUS to the place of exhibition and back.


The organiser is liable for any damages to any
objects of the exhibition (aluminium frames, textiles, etc.).

We recommend taking out an insurance policy.
Total insured value: 6200€

Support by the BADEHAUS

Advertising: upon request
Preparing the exhibition: upon request

Surrounding program

Opening speech with a showing of the film
“(Dis)placed?” 500€ (discounted 250€ for schools)

©2020-2025 Bürger fürs BADEHAUS Waldram-Föhrenwald e.V.